Mediation Services, Communication Counseling, Call 305.947.9115
Mediation Services, Communication Counseling, Call 305.947.9115

Advantages of Couples Communication Counseling:

Steve Pollack offers a powerful form of alternative marriage counseling based in the wisdom tradition of Nonviolent Communication. Referred to as NVC for short, it's an emotionally dynamic process. This kind of couples communication therapy was pioneered by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. The approach gets dramatic results in a fraction of the time required by more traditional modes of therapy. Compassionate communication is the key. Steve Pollack can help you to increase the healing and connecting power of your interpersonal relationship skills, through the simple practice of couples communication counseling.

Though not a psychologist or psychotherapist, Steve Pollack brings over a decade of experience adapting and customizing this profoundly healing and connecting process to each unique couple. He will support you both in achieving personal and relationship growth. He helps you achieve the goals of balance, harmony and understanding.

Steve Pollack employs great sensitivity and sharp perception in analyzing and resolving interpersonal conflicts. The results can be extraordinary. I recommend him to anyone and everyone."

-- Roy P. Bower, Rocky Mount, NC

"I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with years of experience, and I'd recommend Steve most highly for anyone who's dealing with communication blockages or emotional challenges. He's my go-to person for healing empathy because he has an amazing way of helping me to shift the way we look at things. He has a gift for translating even painful situations into a pure language of nonviolence and compassion, without any judgments. That's what really helps to clear the way for more enlightened solutions. I can count on him when I really need to be heard and supported on an emotional or deeply spiritual level. We've gotten insights into understanding precisely what everyone's unmet needs were in any situation, and support in finding sensible ways to get those needs expressed and fulfilled."

-- Monica Joseph, LMHC, Naples, FL

Sometimes categorized as alternative marriage counseling, this work has its roots in the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers. As a form of deeply empathetic counseling, it places strong emphasis on providing more than one layer of empathy. Only then, when both parties have had their needs for empathy fulfilled, does it move on to strategic, creative brainstorming. That's when we can work together to find practical solutions. You'll find it's effective with even the most challenging relationship problems.

When issues arise in your relationship, you can turn to Steve Pollack time and again for this specialized service of couples communication therapy.

"I have worked with Steve Pollack for a number of years. I continue to be enriched, cherished and assisted in my personal growth by practicing Nonviolent Communication counseling under his leadership. Steve is an empathic and caring facilitator who creates and maintains a safe container for rigorous and honest practice. To anyone interested in learning NVC, confronting personal crisis, or facilitating personal growth, I recommend him to you most highly."

-- Stephanie King, NVC practitioner, North Miami, FL  Florida Teacher of the Year (2000)

Steve Pollack supports you in finding the most compassionate and effective ways to express your deepest feelings, longings and needs within the relationship. He functions as a communication coach, expertly guiding and supporting you to find your own inner wisdom as a couple. He shows you precisely how to build upon your repertoire of skills for finding nonviolent, constructive ways of expressing yourselves.

You and your partner may already know the breakthrough power of couples communication counseling. Or you may simply want to experience it for the first time. You need only pick up the phone or send a brief email request to Steve Pollack at

Take that first step now. Make a commitment to your personal growth as a couple. Make that essential investment in the well-being of your relationship as you give couples communication therapy a chance. It can be done from the comfort and convenience of your home or office, by phone or Skype.

Call today for your free 15-minute consultation by phone at 305-947-9115. (Dial country code first if calling from outside the USA)


"Steve...I loved your session! It was the first time ever I felt like I was finally heard and understood. It was the first time ever that I truly empathized with someone and really knew where they are coming from. It was the first time ever that it wasn't 'just me' ... it was both of us that were truly listening to each other and communicating the real feelings and needs that reside within us...thanks to your expert coaching and mediation!"

-- Timothy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Mr. Pollack is not your average wisdom speaker, he is more like a healer that's communicating a message. A message that is so personal when delivered in a group session that you feel as though it's the two of you having a meaningful dialogue. A dialogue that soothes and comforts, and that's coated with humor."

-- Irwin Royster, Atlanta, GA

"As I read through all that Steve has written ... I see a man who represents what I believe he would like to help others achieve in their own lives. Among other qualities, he is relaxed, comfortable, knowledgeable, skilled, focused, helpful and "in the moment," regardless of what else he may have going on in his life. Communication is the key."

-- Arlene Rothenberg, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Visit Steve Pollack's blog here:

Educational Background & Experience

Steve Pollack has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, and specializes in

couples communication counseling. He has over 90 hours of combined training in mediation and interpersonal communications, and over a decade as a practitioner. Steve has attended in-person trainings and workshops with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, author of Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, as well as numerous certified NVC trainers. He has facilitated ongoing practice groups, given public talks, and offered individual counseling, alternative marriage counseling and family therapy


Rev. Lori Cardona invited me to her 15-minute blogtalk radio show for a brief interview which relates to Steve's couples communication counseling ... I come in at the 8-minute mark, about halfway through the segment. Please enjoy it and share with your social network friends

Contact Us Today!

1350 NE 191st Street
Miami, Florida 33179

Phone: +1 305 947-9115+1 305 947-9115

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